12th Caulfield (St. John's) Scout Group

"Cubs, Scouts & Venturers... Fun for boys and girls"



hat is the Australian Jamboree? Well, it’s only the biggest and best event in the Australian Scouting calendar. so big in fact, that it only runs every three years! Over 12,000 Scouts will converge on a location somewhere around Australia to camp for 2 glorious weeks of fun, fantastic adventure and friendship.

Be sure to check out the Jamboree photos on our Scouts Photo Gallery page!

2019 Jamboree



he AJ2019 25th Australian Jamboree will be held at Woodhouse, Piccadilly, South Australia – we look forward to seeing you all there. To keep up with the news, visit this link: www.scoutsvictoria.com.au/activities-events/events/scouts

Further news will become available from the leaders shortly. Meanwhile, start getting excited!

The Countdown is on:


In the meantime, view the Promo video:

2016 Jamboree



he AJ2016 24th Australian Scout Jamboree.. “Leap Into Adventure” was held at Cataract Scout Park, Syndey NSW, Australia (located near Appin, 71 km south-west of Sydney)

More information about this event and how many attended from our group will be coming soon.

See the 2016 Jamboree Promo Video below:

Other information on the recent 2016 Jamboree can be found using the following links:

2013 Jamboree



roop 736 at the AJ2013 23rd AUSTRALIAN SCOUT JAMBOREE.. “Dream It, Live It”
at Fraser Coast in Maryborough, Queensland, Australia

Amazing Australian Jamboree

The 23rd Australian Scout Jamboree (AJ2013) provided a brilliant opportunity in showcasing Scouting to the Australian and international communities from 2nd to 12th January 2013 in Maryborough, Queensland. More than 11,000 Scouts and leaders from Australia were joined with more than 250 international guests from 14 countries including large contingents from the Asia Pacific Region.

Chief Commissioner of Scouts Queensland and AJ2013 Camp Chief Kirsty Brown shared “this Jamboree has been a success in so many ways and if it weren’t for those that gave up their time tobe with all those tremendous kids this would never happen. Three years of planning all comes down to two weeks of amazing fun and joy. If every Scout and Leader goes home with at least two magical moments then our job as leaders and organisers have been achieved.”

Chief Director Pieter Van Der Kamp said AJ2013 was filled with excitement, challenges and the fun of meeting new friends. Though the days were long but all in all there was a smile on everyone’s face everyday.

Part of the overseas Scouts and leaders who had a great time at the Jamboree were the Indonesian contingent, the seven Scouts and one leader from Timor Leste and two Scouts from Papua New Guinea.

The closing ceremony went off with a bang as Justice Crew, fire dancers and the Brisbane Gang Show wowed the crowd with their performances. Mayor of Fraser Coast Regional Council Gerrard O’Connell declared AJ2013 closed with a beautiful display of fireworks.

A huge thank you to all the people who made the Jamboree such a great success for the Victorian Scouts & leaders who attended. The Jamboree Executive Committee organised a great event with excellent activities and entertainment for the Scouts who attended.

The Victorian leaders, both service & line, who gave up their holidays to attend AJ2013 and look after the Scouts so well should be given a big pat on their collective backs

The Scouts themselves for attending the event and being so well behaved and so enthusiastically participating in the various activities and troop life. Also the 284 Victorian Patrol leaders who looked after their patrols so well.

See the 2013 Jamboree Promo Video below:

2010 Jamboree



roop 736 at the AJ2010 22nd AUSTRALIAN SCOUT JAMBOREE.. “Test Your Limits”
at Cataract Scout Park in Sydney Australia: 4th – 14th January, 2010.

It is said that a National Jamboree is the highlight of a scout’s life – and AJ2010 in Sydney didn’t disappoint! With 8,500 youth members and 12,000 people on site in total, it was certainly a vibrant and busy ‘city’ full of action! Some of our parents coordinated family holidays with AJ2010 to include a visit to the site.

Scouts had a wonderful experience meeting new friends, learning new skills and independent living, enjoying exciting and challenging activities and working together as a Patrol. Troops dealt with lots of salad and pasta and parents should perhaps omit these items from menus for the next 6 months! Both on-site and off-site activities were a great success and the Krispy Crème vendor made a killing. The ice cream trader also did a roaring trade. The temperatures were very favourable for water play so the two off-site water activities and Jamberoo, as well as the large water slides on site, were very popular. Nightly concerts were well received.

Bob and Lesley, on the other hand, spent 2 weeks of their 4 weeks annual leave to travel with our children. They worked from roughly 5am to 11pm each and every day to ensure that Troop 736 ran smoothly and the trip was a success for our children. We owe them a HUGE debt of gratitude and as many thanks as we can possibly give them!

Around 95% of the Scouts were asleep shortly after leaving the front gate on the trip home and 100% had a fantastic trip.

See the 2010 Jamboree Promo Video below:

Elsternwick / Glen Eira - Stonnington District / Melbourne Region / Victoria, Australia