12th Caulfield (St. John's) Scout Group

"Cubs, Scouts & Venturers... Fun for boys and girls"



ub Scouts is the first section in our 12th Caulfield Scout Group.  It’s for boys and girls aged 7½ to 11 and it’s all about adventure!

Cubs: 7.5 – 11 years on Tuesdays (6.30 – 8.00 pm)

Life as a Cub Scout

If you enjoy fun, games and learning new skills then you’ll love being a Cub Scout! Life as a Cub Scout is full of adventure and teamwork. As a member of a ‘Six’ you and your Pack will work together to explore the world. Your Cub Scout Leader will help you along the way and encourage you to participate in Scouting activities. You’ll learn life-long skills and participate in the Cub Scouts Award Scheme and earn badges, make friends and have fun!

What Can I Do in Cub Scouts?

  • Enjoy bush walks
  • Learn water-safety skills
  • Orienteering and learning to read maps and compasses
  • Perform team activities and meet individual challenges
  • Go camping with your friends
  • Learn about First Aid
  • Play imaginative games
  • Be a part of exciting team relays
  • Show your creativity in art and craft sessions
  • Learn practical skills like knots and construction
  • Discover our environment
  • Join District shows

Cub Scout Meetings

Children who decide to formally join Cubs will generally spend 6 weeks as a ‘New Chum’. They will learn the basics about being a Cub before their investiture, when they receive their 12th Caulfield scarf, badges and a small handbook.

Cubs Halloween Party

They then work through the Bronze, Silver and Gold Boomerang levels of activities and/or towards any achievement badges of interest at their own pace. Many of these badge activities are built in to the weekly programme so that everyone has a chance to earn a badge. Traditional activities such as knots and citizenship are balanced with fun activities such as crafts and games that foster team spirit and fair play.

The Pack is organised into subgroups – Sixes – with a ‘Sixer’ and ‘Second’ holding leadership roles.

A programme for the term (including the Duty Six, activity or theme for the week and any camps and District activities) will be circulated as soon as possible at the start of each term. It will also include the family on duty each week – we ask that one adult in your family attends to assist the leaders. No skills are necessary! Please arrange a swap if you cannot come, as the leaders rely on your hands and eyes, particularly if we have an outdoor activity at one of the local parks.

For more information about the Cub Scout programme, please visit the Cubs page on the Scouts Australia Victoria Branch website: www.scoutsvictoria.com.au/age-sections-adults/cub-scouts/

Cub procedures



ubs runs from 6.30pm-8.00pm on Tuesdays during Victorian State school terms. The exception to this is the week following a weekend activity or camp – both the leaders and Cubs then have a Tuesday off!

Parents are asked to bring their Cub (and any others they may be escorting) into the hall and sign them in via the sign-in sheet on the servery bench. We also request that you arrive promptly and sign them out at pick-up. One six each week is rostered as ‘Duty Six’ and those children may be a little late as they have some hall housekeeping to attend to.




he highlight in Cubs is attending a Cuboree which is a 5 day camp held at Gillwell Park near Gembrook. Here you will participate in games and activities, eat delicious camp meals, watch entertaining night-time shows and experience the great outdoors. 9th VICTORIAN CUB CUBOREE 2014 at Gilwell Park (scout camp) in Gembrook, Victoria, Australia

What is the Victorian Cuboree? It is the Cub Scout equivalent of the Scouts’ Australian Jamboree.

Approximately 3,500 Cub Scouts from across Victoria attended the 9th Cuboree in 2017. There were also over 1,000 leaders and support staff on site to look after the Cubs. It was a 4 night camp for all Victorian Cub Scouts aged 9 and above.

Read about eligibility for the 2017 Cuboree

The next Victorian Cuboree will be in 2020 at Gillwell Park (near Gembrook.)


Read about 12th Caulfield’s involvement in the previous Victorian Cuborees:
2014, 2011 and 2010

For more information on the Cuborees, use the following links:

Our Cub Leaders



ur leaders are a committed group of volunteers – parents, Venturers or Rovers (18-26 year olds) or friends of Scouting. They undergo basic training but are not trained teachers or psychologists! Please speak to them if there is something they should be aware of.

Don’t forget that we will be thrilled to welcome you as a leader! The rewards of becoming a Leader in the Scout Association include:

  • helping young people to develop positive attitudes,
  • learning new skills,
  • helping the community,
  • sharing the fun and excitement of Scouting with other adults and young people,
  • personal satisfaction from doing something worthwhile,
  • for parents who are leaders – sharing and enjoying activities with your children. You see your children at their best at Cubs and Scouts!

Scouts Australia is a Registered Training Provider and can provide training for Certificates and the Diploma in Leadership. We cover all the costs of your uniform and training. Think about it…

Our present Cub leader is:
Kathryn Stephens

Assistant Cub leaders are:
Janine Thomas and James Valentini – currently in training

Registration & Health Forms



o register your child for Scouts, you will need to fill out this Y1 Membership Form and return it with your subscription fee to the Group Leader. Click here to download this PDF: Youth Membership Y1 Form.

For camps and other special outdoor activities, you will be requested to submit this Y4 Health Form, either before or on the day of the activity. (Note: A new form will be required for each new activity). Click here to download this PDF: Health Information Y4 Form.

Elsternwick / Glen Eira - Stonnington District / Melbourne Region / Victoria, Australia